The BRITISH MULE SOCIETY is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee
Reg. No. 3880721, England
Registered Charity No. 1089542
Hon. Patron – John Parker
The British Mule Society (BMS) was founded in 1978 by Lorraine Travis and a small group of people dedicated to the interest and care of mules.
Since then the society has grown with members across the UK and overseas. In 1990 Lorraine published a book, “The Mule” which is still available through the BMS. The society also publishes a quarterly journal, written by members, with a wide range of articles about mules in the UK and abroad. The BMS maintains links with and sends its journal to other, similar, organisations around the world.
The society aims to advance public interest in the knowledge of mules, and to encourage, promote and improve the care, management and breeding of mules.
The society keeps a register of British mules and the Honorary Secretary or other officers may know of mules for sale or wanted which are also, usually, advertised in the journal.
The British Mule Society holds an annual mule weekend at different venues around the UK where members and mules get together for a weekend of fun and socialising. It actively encourages its members to enter shows and classes at local and national events and enjoys good working relationships with the organisers of many county show grounds. The Society also regularly attends events and shows with its mobile display unit where the general public can gain first hand information about mules and also have the opportunity to meet a “live mule”
The British Mule Society is also a member of the National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC) and works closely with other equine organizations on matters of equine welfare.
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