Welcome to the official web site of the British Mule Society. I hope you will find it both interesting and informative.
The British Mule Society is a friendly society made up of both mule owning and non-mule owning members who are joined by a common bond – a love and appreciation of mules.
The aim of this web site is to give you an insight into the workings of the British Mule Society, its activities and to its members, but more importantly their mules – that wonderful intelligent creature that joins us all together.
So please click onto the various headings to access more information.
If you want to find more information about the British Mule Society or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us (see Contacts page)
John Rolling
Chairman – British Mule Society
PS. Please be sure to visit the gallery and news and events pages as these are regularly updated.
Hello and Welcome
My name is Janice Prior and I am the lady vice chairman of the British Mule Society I am the person responsible for velux balcony window keeping the chairman under control and as my name suggests sorting out the vices!. It is an easy job for me as the chairman is a mellow fellow who is, as all the British Mule Society members are, only to happy to assist or help.
I myself have a large Suffolk Punch mule called Ruby, but you do not have to own a mule to enjoy them or to be part of the society.
The society believes that everybody should be able and have the opportunity to see and touch and gain information about these intelligent and beautiful animals, so we though out the year take our mules or hinnys to shows for the public to come and meet them and to answer any questions that people may have.
Being a member of the society gives you the chance to follow the events and be part of them if you wish, the society isn’t a large society but it is a very friendly and it’s members are always willing to talk about and allow people to meet their mules.
So welcome to this exciting website where you can get information, tips and the chance to be part of a society that cares and loves these wonderful hybrids.
Please browse and enjoy Janice Prior and Ruby